If Wishes were Horses…

…then beggars would ride. This ancient English proverb, dating from the 16th century, suggests that if wishing could make things happen, then even the most destitute people would have everything they wanted. I get this. I know wishing is a waste of time, but still…I wish with all my heart and with every fibre of my being that my stallion Beau was still alive.

I miss him so much.

He is still the one and only.

He died on the 11 of April 2014, at the grand old age of 22, from colic. Beau was the inspiration, no, the foundation, the raison d’etre, of my book:

Below I am riding him with his two sets of reins in one hand, my right hand, as my left wrist is broken, fully confident that he will take care of me no matter what happens.

“Wishes are held to be ominous; according to which belief the order of the world is so arranged that if you have an impious objection to a squint, your offspring is more likely to be born with one; also, that if you happen to desire a squint, you would not get it. This desponding view of probability the hopeful entirely reject, taking their wishes as good and sufficient security for all kinds of fulfilment.”
― George Eliot

Post in response to the Weekly Photo Challenge: Wish

20 Replies to “If Wishes were Horses…”

  1. I’ve only ridden a horse once, and it was at Boy Scout camp. I guess a city slicker like me doesn’t get many opportunities. You’re making me think about giving it a shot, though. 🙂

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